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Baguio City
SDG Tracking Progress
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Baguio – Creative City
Baguio City Ordinances
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1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
1.a.2/2.1.1 Children Served by Supplemental Feeding Program (SFP)
1.a.1 Sustainable Livelihood Program
1.a.2/6.2 Percentage of Households with Sanitary Toilet Facilities
1.4.1 Percentage of Households with Complete Basic Sanitation Facilities
1.a.2/6.1 Number of Households with Access to Safe Water Supply by level: Level III
1.a.2/6.1 Number of Households with Access to Safe Water Supply by level: Level II
1.a.2/6.1 Number of Households with Access to Safe Water Supply by level: Level I
1.a.2/6.1 Households with Access to Improved/Safe Water Supply
1.a.2 Number of IPs in the 4Ps
1.a.2 Conditional Cash Transfer Beneficiaries/Number of Pantawid Pamilya Beneficiaries
2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
1.a.2/2.1.1 Children Served by Supplemental Feeding Program (SFP)
2.2.2 Prevalence of Overweight Children under 5 Years Old
2.2.2 Prevalence of Obesity for Children Under 5 Years Old
2.2.1 Prevalence of Stunting Among Children Under 5 Years of Age
2.2 Number of Infants with Low Birth Weight
2.2.2 Prevalence of Underweight Children 0-5 Years Old
2.3 Volume of Crop Production (in kgs)
2.4 Value of Disaster-related Agricultural Crop Damages
2.4 Number of Farmers/Farmers Organizations Provided with Technology Interventions
2.4 Number of Farmers/Farmers Organizations Adopting Good Agricultural Practices
2.4 Number of Farmers Provided with Related Trainings/Technical Assistance
3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
3.1.1 Maternal Mortality Rate (per 100,000 Live Births)
3.2 Perinatal Mortality Rate (per 1000 livebirths)
3.2.1 Under-five Mortality Rate (per 1,000 Children Aged 0-4)
3.2.2 Neonatal Mortality Rate
3.2.2 Infant Mortality Rate (per 1,000 Livebirths)
3.3. Tuberculosis Cases Detected Under DOTS
3.3.1 HIV Prevalence Rate
3.3.1 New HIV Infections (Newly Diagnosed Cases/Year)
3.3.1 Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Prevalence Rate
3.3.2 Tuberculosis Success Rate (TB Cure Rate)
3.3.2 Tuberculosis Incidence (per 100,000 Population)
3.3.2 Tuberculosis Cases Cured Under DOTS
3.4.1 Mortality Rate Attributed to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
3.4.1 Mortality Rate Attributed to Heart Disease
3.4.1 Mortality Rate Attributed to Cancer
3.4.1 Mortality Rate Attributed to Vascular Disease
3.4.1 Mortality Rate Attributed to Diabetes Mellitus
3.4.2 Number of Suicide Incidents
3.5.2 Number of Cases of Alcoholism
3.7.1 Contraceptive Prevalence Rate for Modern Family Planning
3.7.1 Unmet Need for Family Planning
3.8 Unconditional Cash Transfer (UCT) for 4Ps per Household
3.8.1 Number of Fully Immunized Children
3.8.1 Number of Bahay Pag-asa Clients Served
6.2.1 Food Handlers with Health Certificates
6.b.1 Food Establishments Issued with Sanitary Permit
4. Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning
4.a.1 Classroom to Enrollees Ratio Improved in Secondary (Private)
4.a.1 Classroom to Enrollees Ratio Improved in Secondary (Public)
4.a.1 Classroom to Enrollees Ratio Improved in Elementary (Private)
4.a.1 Classroom to Enrollees Ratio Improved in Elementary (Public)
4.a.1 Classroom to Enrollees Ratio Improved in Pre-Elementary (Private)
4.a.1 Classroom to Enrollees Ratio Improved in Pre-Elementary (Public)
4.c.1 Teacher – Student Ratio in Secondary (Private)
4.c.1 Teacher – Student Ratio in Secondary (Public)
4.c.1 Teacher – Student Ratio in Elementary (Private)
4.c.1 Teacher – Student Ratio in Elementary (Public)
4.c.1 Teacher – Student Ratio in Pre-Elementary (Private)
4.c.1 Teacher – Student Ratio in Pre-Elementary (Public)
4.1.1 Net Enrolment Rate in Elementary Education K-Grade 6 (Public)
4.1.1 Net Enrolment Rate in Elementary Education K-Grade 6 (Private)
4.1.1 Net Enrolment Rate in Secondary Education-Junior High (Public)
4.1.1 Net Enrolment Rate in Secondary Education-Junior High (Private)
4.1.1 Net Enrolment Rate in Secondary Education-Senior High (Public)
4.1.1 Net Enrolment Rate in Secondary Education-Senior High (Private)
4.3.1 ALS Enrollees for Secondary
4.3.1 ALS Enrollees for Elementary
4.6.1 No. of Learners/ Completers in Schools Living Tradition for Secondary (Public)
4.6.1 No. of Learners/ Completers in Schools Living Tradition for Secondary (Private)
4.6.1 No. of Learners/Completers in Schools Living Tradition for Elementary (Private)
4.6.1 No. of Learners/Completers in Schools Living Tradition for Elementary (Public)
4.6.1 No. of IPEd Contextualized Learning Materials Increased in Secondary (Public)
4.6.1 No. of IPEd Contextualized Learning Materials Increased in Secondary (Private)
4.6.1 No. of IPEd Contextualized Learning Materials Increased in Elementary (Public)
4.6.1 No. of IPEd Contextualized Learning Materials Increased in Elementary (Private)
4.6.1 No. of Schools of Living Traditions in Baguio City for Secondary (Public)
4.6.1 No. of Schools of Living Traditions in Baguio City for Secondary (Private)
4.6.1 National Achievement Test Rating for Secondary
4.6.1 Dropout Rate for Secondary in Senior High (Private)
4.6.1 No. of Schools of Living Traditions in Baguio City for Elementary (Private)
4.6.1 No. of Schools of Living Traditions in Baguio City for Elementary (Public)
4.6.1 Dropout Rate for Secondary in Junior High (Private)
4.6.1 Dropout Rate for Secondary in Senior High (Public)
4.6.1 Dropout Rate for Secondary in Junior High (Public)
4.6.1 Dropout Rate for K-Elementary (Private)
4.6.1 Cohort Survival Rate for Secondary Junior High (Private)
4.6.1 Dropout Rate for K-Elementary (Public)
4.6.1 Cohort Survival Rate for Secondary Junior High (Public)
4.6.1 Completion Rate for Secondary in Junior High (Private)
4.6.1 Completion Rate for Secondary in Junior High (Public)
4.6.1 Completion Rate for Secondary in Senior High (Private)
4.6.1 Completion Rate for Secondary in Senior High (Public)
4.6.1 National Achievement Test Rating for Elementary
4.6.1 Cohort Survival Rate for K-Elementary (Private)
4.6.1 Cohort Survival Rate for K-Elementary (Public)
4.6.1 Completion Rate for K-Elementary (Public)
4.6.1 Completion Rate for K-Elementary (Private)
4.7.1 Passing Rate in A and E Test for Secondary
4.7.1 Passing Rate in A and E Test for Elementary
1.a.2/2.1.1 Children Served by Supplemental Feeding Program (SFP)
5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
5.2.1 Number of Cases Served by OCSWD on Violence Against Women
5.2.1 Number of Cases Served by OCSWD on Child Abuse
5.2.1 Reported Abuse Cases for Women and Children
5.2.1 Ever-partnered Women and Girls Aged 15 Years and Older Subjected to Violence
5.2.2 Number of Reported Gender-based Violence Cases
5.2.2 Women and Girls Aged 15 Years and Older Subjected to Sexual Violence
6. Ensure access to water and sanitation for all
6.2.1 Food Handlers with Health Certificates
6.b.1 Food Establishments Issued with Sanitary Permit
1.a.2/6.2 Percentage of Households with Sanitary Toilet Facilities
1.a.2/6.1 Number of Households with Access to Safe Water Supply by level: Level III
1.a.2/6.1 Number of Households with Access to Safe Water Supply by level: Level II
1.a.2/6.1 Number of Households with Access to Safe Water Supply by level: Level I
1.a.2/6.1 Households with Access to Improved/Safe Water Supply
7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
7.1.1 Percentage Increase in the Number of Households Serviced with Electricity
7.1.1 Number of Households with Access to Electricity
8. Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
8.2.1 Number of Bagwis Awardee Establishments for Bronze
8.2.1 Number of Bagwis Awardee Establishments for Silver
8.2.1 Number of Bagwis Awardee Establishments for Gold
8.8.2 Number of Public/Consumer Advocacy Activities Conducted (seminars, fora, trainings, consultations, etc.)
8.b.1 No. of Capacity Building Activities Conducted for CWD officers, CONSUMERNET and LPCC Members
8.7.1 Percentage Compliance of Firms to Total Number of Firms Monitored
8.7.1 Number of Fair Trade Law (FTL) Violations Found
8.7.1 Number of Firms Monitored
8.9.2 List of Cultural and Art Festivities (for Creative Cities); Cultural Exchange Activities; Cultural Awareness Workshops
8 SPES (Special Program for the Employment of Students)
8 Direct Jobs Solicited: Overseas
8 Direct Jobs Solicited: Local
8.9.1 Tourist Arrivals
8.1 Fees and Charges Collected (in PHP)
8.1 Business Tax Collected (in PHP)
8.1 Real Property Tax Collected
8.1 Total Revenue Collections (in PhP)
8.1 Percentage increase in Total Local Revenue
8 Number of Business Establishment Inspected
8.9.2 Completion or Percentage of Budget Appropriated for the Conservation and Preservation of Cultural Property
9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
9.1.1 Paved City/Barangay Roads Increased
9.1.1 Paved National Roads Increased
9.1 Number of Business Establishments: Special Permits
9.1 Number of Business Establishments: Renewal
9.1 Number of Business Establishments: New
11. Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
11.6.2 Air Quality Maintained within Standards (PM10)
11.6.2 Air Quality Maintained within Standards (PM2.5)
11.6.2 Air Quality Maintained within Standards (PM10)
11.6.2 Air Quality Maintained within Standards (PM2.5)
11.6.2 Air Quality Maintained within Standards (PM2.5)
11.6.1 Percentage of Households with Satisfactory Disposal of Solid Waste
11.b.1 Updated DRRM and Contingency Plans
11.b.1 Approved Local Disaster Risk Reduction Plan
11.b.1 Filled-Up Permanent DRRMO Plantilla
11.5 Firemen: Population Ratio
11.5 Number of Fire Volunteers Trained (COC)
11.5 Fire Brigade Trained (COC)
11.b.1 Number of Building / Establishment Inspected
12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
11.6.1 Percentage of Households with Satisfactory Disposal of Solid Waste
6.2.1 Food Handlers with Health Certificates
6.b.1 Food Establishments Issued with Sanitary Permit
12.5 Waste Segregation – Volume of Waste Collected
13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
13.1.2 Number of Directly Affected Persons Due to Disasters
13.1.2 Number of Missing Persons Attributed to Disasters
13.1.2 Number of Deaths Attributed to Disasters
16. Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies
5.2.1 Number of Cases Served by OCSWD on Child Abuse
16.a.1 Percentage of Cases Settled by the Lupong Tagapamayapa
16.a.1 Number of Cases Settled by the Lupong Tagapamayapa
16.6.1 LGU Budget Utilization Rate Improved
16.4 Police: Population Ratio
16.4 Number of Drug-affected Barangays Cleared
16.4 Crime Solution Efficiency Rate
16.4 Average Annual Index Crime
16.4 Average Annual Crime Rate